Welcome to the Opal Lake Association Website
This site is the online source of information and resources for members of The Opal Lake Association.  Access to most of the site is restricted to members who register on the site. Make sure you register so you can receive emails about the annual meeting and annual boat parade and picnic. And update your email address when it changes.

Learn more about registering.

log in so you can browse the entire site for information, especially the annual boat parade and picnic dates and theme, and also for viewing and downloading association documents and helpful information, and viewing photos of past year's boat parade.

For additional contact information for the association, please visit the Contacts page.

Click here for information on the Annual Picnic.

Boat Parade and Picnic

2024 Boat Parade and Picnic

The 2024 Opal Lake Association Annual Picnic and Boat Parade will be Saturday, July 6th.

There is no charge for the picnic, and it is open to all members who have paid their 2024 dues or will pay their annual $35 dues at the picnic. House guests of Members are also welcome at no additional cost (donations accepted).

The Boat Decoration theme this year is The Wild, Wild West.

The Parade will start at 12pm with decorated boats assembling near the Boat Launch at 11:45am. Last year's winners, Tom and Julie Martinek family, will lead the Parade once around the lake and then around the island.

There will be plenty of food and games following the Parade. Dig for buried treasure, a pinata, and the Largest Balloon Toss competition on Opal Lake.

We look forward to having a great time at the Annual Picnic and thank the board and volunteers for bringing our lake community together with this fun annual event. If you have any questions, contact Laura Showalter at (248) 227-8980.

2025 Annual Meeting

Opal Lake Association Annual Membership Meeting, typically held the Saturday of Memorial Weekend at 9:30am.  Location TBD. A copy of 2024's Annual Letter is posted in the Documents Section under Mailings.

Autumn Social

Stay tuned to see if an Opal Lake Autumn Social gets planned for September.  Or contact a member of the board if you would like to organize one.
